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Researchers Have to Talk a Lot, Exchange Ideas - to Try to Understand Each Other

Salvador Ros has a background in physics and computer science, and is now working in the digital humanities. Humanities scholars and scientists have different ways of thinking, he points out in this video. This can be a problem, he finds. Both sides lack knowledge about each other’s disciplines, so researchers have to talk a lot, exchange ideas - to try to understand each other. Humanities scholars who want to conduct digital research need to know at least the basic concepts of the relevant programming languages, he argues. He ends by discussing the definition and roles of a ‘research infrastructure’ such as DARIAH, especially in facilitating digital tools and how to use them in relation to our research questions.

This is part of a series entitled ‘What is the Role of Training and Education in Research Infrastructures?‘. DARIAH Director Toma Tasovac spoke to fellow DARIAHns and colleagues from prospective DARIAH countries about their own educational backgrounds and the role of training and education in digital research infrastructures. The interviews show that there is no single educational trajectory which produces DH scholars. The diversity of our backgrounds is one of the main strengths of our field.

Cite as

Salvador Ros (2019). Researchers Have to Talk a Lot, Exchange Ideas - to Try to Understand Each Other. Version 1.0.0. DARIAH-Campus. [Video]. http://localhost:3000/id/12hqy2TdXyB1RPnA4n9iP

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Researchers Have to Talk a Lot, Exchange Ideas - to Try to Understand Each Other
Salvador Ros
Social Sciences and Humanities
Content type:
CCBY 4.0
Research infrastructures, Training and education

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