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Data modeling

Data modeling refers to the process of creating a machine-readable conceptual representation of objects


  • Building and Linking Humanities' Digital Spatial Infrastructures

    This workshop, focussing on "Spatial data medieval to modern", is the first of a series of workshops from the NOS-HS project "Linking, Building, and Sustaining Humanities Digital Spatial Infrastructures for Research in the Nordic Countries". The main aims of this workshop were to define key concepts (spatial infrastructures, Linked Open Data, metadata, ontology), outline major challenges in the field, and to provide an opportunity to share experiences of addressing the issues in individual and national projects across the Nordic countries.
    • Alexandra Petrulevich
    • Sara Ellis Nilsson
    • Peder Gammeltoft
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  • Remaking Material Culture in 3D

    This course is designed to develop your knowledge of the theory and practice of digitising material culture by producing computer generated and printed 3D models.
  • Digitising Dictionaries

    This course is an introduction to the theories, practices, and methods of digitizing legacy dictionaries for research, preservation and online distribution. It focuses on a particular technique of modeling and describing lexical data using eXtensible Markup Language (XML) in accordance with the Guidelines of the Text Encoding Initiative, a de-facto standard for text encoding among humanities researchers.
  • MaDiH: Research Software Engineering Training

    Hosted by King’s Digital Lab (KDL) at King’s College London, the workshop introduced participants to best practices in project management, the Agile Dynamic System Development Methods (DSDM) as well as various theoretical and practical approaches to digital cultural heritage.

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