Is ChatGPT unsettling you? Are you annoyed to always land on the same webportal when googling for a specific book? Do you hate it when just the one page you need to consult is nowhere to be found on the internet? This presentation by Anne Baillot is for you!
This event, organised and provided by the CLS INFRA project, offers an introductory course to textual data annotation. The workshop introduces learners to how to edit, annotate, and query a text corpus without a single line of code, how to structure texts with the XML-TEI, and how to run an NLP tool to add linguistic information.
DARIAH Winter School 2016 explored the evolution of publication issues in social sciences and humanities in a context of Open Access, with the underlying goal of promoting open science through the question of open data citation.
This tutorial explains how to navigate in and use the new VOICE 3.0 Online interface for the Vienna-Oxford International Corpus of English, developed by the VOICE CLARIAH project team and released in September 2021. The tutorial introduces the web interface, explains how to run search queries, apply filters for the creation of sub-corpora and set bookmarks. In addition, it provides short quizzes and links to short videos explaining the design and functions of the VOICE 3.0 interface.
This training event from the TRIPLE Project was devoted specifically to the Open Access publishing platform Open Research Europe (ORE) and provided technical details on how ORE works and what benefits it has for researchers.
This webinar introduces the foundations of copyright and offers snapshots on the most relevant topics for academic authors, intermediaries and users, such as copyright flexibilities, exceptions and limitations in the field of cultural heritage access and preservation (digitization, e-lending, orphan and out-of-commerce works), copyright authorship and ownership, law and praxis of academic publishing, commercial and non-commercial licensing, collective management of authors’ rights, with brief references to open access.
In this screencast, Laurent Romary discusses the concept of post-publication peer review (PPPR) as well as the risks, challenges and potential benefits of changing traditional approaches to research publication workflows.